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Liquid silicone products pacifier is good or not

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In appearance, the transparency of liquid silica gel products should be better, mainly because its raw material is vinyl silicone oil, which is vulcanized with platinum. Therefore, the transparency is better!

In terms of safety, the liquid silicone nipple is completely vulcanized with platinum, while the solid silicone nipple is also vulcanized with double 25. Platinum sulfide is much more than double 25 ampere. In addition, the liquid silicone nipple is made by injection molding, while the solid silicone nipple is made by molding. The former is directly injected without mold removal, so it is safer and hygienic.

In terms of physical properties, it is mainly tear resistance. Both of them can be made high to ensure that they will not be bitten.

The difference between liquid silicone pacifier and solid silicone pacifier mainly depends on the transparency. The transparency of liquid silicone pacifier is better.


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