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Understanding Methyl Rubber

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Methyl gum is a kind of adhesive widely used in construction, furniture, automobile, aviation and other fields, also known as polyurethane foam adhesive. It is formed by mixing two liquid chemical substances, and once mixed, a rapid chemical reaction occurs, forming a strong colloidal substance.
Methyl rubber has many advantages, such as high adhesive strength, good heat resistance, and strong waterproofing. Therefore, it is widely used in the manufacturing of furniture, automotive interiors, aerospace equipment, and other fields. In addition, as it can easily fill gaps, it can also be used for maintenance and repair.

However, there are also some potential hazards associated with the use of methyl rubber. Methyl rubber can produce harmful gases such as carbon dioxide and formaldehyde when mixed. Therefore, necessary safety measures need to be taken when using methyl rubber, such as a well ventilated working environment and wearing protective masks.

In short, methyl rubber is a very useful adhesive, and its widespread application has brought many conveniences to our lives. However, we should also be aware of the need to pay attention to safety issues when using methyl rubber to avoid potential risks.


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