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Hot vulcanized silicone rubber (HTV)

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Hot vulcanized silicone rubber (HTV) is the most important type of organic silicon products, and methyl vinyl silicone rubber (VMQ) is the main variety in HTV, commonly known as high-temperature rubber.

Methylvinyl silicone rubber (raw rubber) is a colorless, odorless, non-toxic, and mechanical impurity free colloidal material. Raw rubber is mixed with appropriate reinforcing agents, structural control agents, vulcanizing agents, and other additives as needed, then heated and molded or extruded, and then subjected to secondary vulcanization to make various products. Its products have excellent electrical insulation, strong resistance to arc, corona, and spark, good waterproof, moisture-proof, impact resistant, and seismic resistance, and have physiological inertness, breathability, and other properties. Mainly used in aviation, instrumentation, electronic appliances, navigation, metallurgy, machinery, automobiles, medical and health departments, it can make various shapes of sealing rings, gaskets, pipes, cables, as well as human organs, blood vessels, breathable membranes, rubber molds, precision casting release agents, etc.


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