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Explanation of oil leakage from liquid mold adhesive

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After each batch of liquid mold silicone is processed, the silicone engineer will take some samples from the finished product for sampling and testing, and comprehensively analyze the hardness, viscosity, elongation, oil leakage, and other conditions of this batch of mold silicone. Especially for the situation of oil leakage, it is the top priority of each inspection. Once oil leakage occurs, the situation becomes "critical".

It is not uncommon for mold silicone to experience oil leakage, as it is a common problem. Therefore, solving the causes of oil leakage is relatively mature and not too complex.

The main manifestation of silicone oil leakage in liquid molds is through the solidified silicone mold, which will have "oil leakage" marks on the surface of the mold. There are several main reasons for oil leakage:

1. During the production process, low-quality silicone oil is used (many businesses use low-quality silicone oil instead of qualified silicone oil to make a profit), which makes the liquid silicone produced by silicone manufacturers prone to oil leakage and seriously damages the interests of the manufacturers.

2. In order to maximize Profit maximization, some silica gel plants add a large amount of silicone oil in the production process, while other raw materials remain unchanged, which will also lead to oil leakage of finished products.

3. The incorrect proportion of curing agent can also cause oil leakage in the mold after silicone curing; After mixing silicone and curing, the ratio is just right, and the saturation state is too high. The silicone mold will not have "oil leakage", and once there is too much curing agent, "oil leakage" will occur. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the curing ratio for operation.


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